NB If you have changed your email address in the last year or so, and have forgotten to let me know,
do please send an email with "Address update" in the subject line. Thanks
The regular venue - the Beefeater Packet Steamer, Northern Perimeter Road, Netherton, Liverpool L30 7PT (TEL 0151 531 1497) - will be the venue for the Twenty Third Annual Reunion.
(However, it would be the 23rd if we counted the Inaugural Meeting when four of us went on a trip up the Manchester Ship Canal in August 1997.)
All former uniformed sea-going Officers of the Pacific Steam Navigation Company (and latterly Royal Mail & Furness Withy) are welcome to attend. Both evenings are informal.
It has been customary to have a "slide show" (or now a Powerpoint Presentation) of nostalgic photos of personnel and ships etc from the old days on the Saturday evening.
Please remember to bring a Memory Stick (USB) with any photos you wish to have projected on screen on Saturday evening.
A message from Bernie:-
Wherever you are based in the world, it is a bit of an understatement to say that last year was somewhat eventful!
Obviously, attempts at a Reunion last year had to be cancelled, but at least now with the increase in the vaccine programme
and with most of our generation double jabbed we are confident enough to have booked The Packet Steamer at Bootle
for Friday 18th and Saturday 19th March 2022.
The restaurant lay out has changed quite a bit and the back room we have used for our evening "get togethers "
has now been turned into a function room come dining room.
I have booked it for both evenings but with the proviso that we dine together at a set time. Then we can have the room to ourselves.
I do not thnk that should cause too much of a problem?
If you cannot wait that long, some of us may arrange a small informal "Get Together"
at Bootle over the weekend of 12th/13th November this year.(2021)
Unfortunately this event had to be cancelled.
If you are planning to attend the 2022 Reunion could you please let Barry know.
Hopefully, we will see many of you there next year!
Cheers, Bernie
p.s. My email address changing shortly to Bernie

Please let me know which night(s) you intend to be with us, and your spouse or partner's name. Thanks. Barry.
Attending Reunion:-
(2) means both evenings
- Corlett, Alan
- Crabtree, Dennis & Debbie (2)
- D'Arcy, Sam (Sat only)
Dyson, Geoff (First timer)
- Gregson, Phil and Chris (2)
- Guymer, Bernie and Ann (2)
- Hilton, Bill and Shiela (2)
- Jenkins, John and Wendy (2)
- Judge, Russell (2)
- Lee, Mike (2)
- Moore, Don (Sat only)
- Moore, Geoff. I haven't attended a reunion before but have a mind to this weekend if it is still planned.
Could you confirm the reunion is still taking place? {I did so} I joined PSNC in 1972 as a deck cadet on the Rowanmore.
I spent ten years with the company rising to the dizzy heights of Third Mate.
- Moore, Les (Sat only)
- Stringfellow, Arthur (2) definitely coming as care has been arranged for my wife!
- Tooke, Ken & wife Sandra. This will be their first Reunion. Ken, ex ITT Sparkie, served on the Orbita mid 70's.
- Van Toren, Adrian & Viviene (2)
- Corlett, Alan - "I'll be attending provided I am in the UK at the time and we are still in a position to attend and with no further lockdowns."
- Moore, Les - "I had an artery stent job last month (February) and am having another on Thursday 10th March so will wait and see."
- Erskine, Barry & Anne - "Sadly, owing to my health and mobility problems we cannot attend".
- Fell, Martin - lives in Australia
- Greenwood, Martin - "My wife is not very well and l am rather confined to domestic duties.
Anyway, l hope you all have a good time and please pass on my best wishes to everyone."
- Jones, Stuart - lives in Australia but depending on Covid Travel restrictions may still manage.
- McRae, Ian
- Manicon, Paul
- Newton, Dave - "Sorry for not informing you sooner but I will not be attending this time.
I have a family function in Cumbria this weekend and as much as I would like to be in both places at the same time I have to choose family first."
- Penny, Arthur - Lives 15 miles from Bootle so Bernie has offered to arrange transport if he wishes to attend.
- Ratclife, Peter - "I am sorry but I will have to cancel my attendance at the reunion. Unfortunately, I wont be in Liverpool this weekend and so can't make it. Hope to be there next year. Regards to all."
- Ross, Mike - had hoped to attend but reluctantly had to cancel as of 7th March 2022.
- Tanner, Pat - "Unfortunately, cannot make the 2022 Reunion due to the tyranny of distance and Covid-19 - fortress Western Australia!"
If you have indicated you will be attending, or otherwise, and your name is missing from the lists, or you are now unable to attend, do please send me an email.
(Thanks to Viv Guymer for supplying them)
Former PSNC Officers and family who have "Crossed the Bar" since our 2019 Reunion
Once again I am the bearer of sad news. Captain "Theo" Sax died on the 6th March 2022 age 92 years.
Kind regards, Angus Shaw.
Richardson, John- 3rd Engineer
On 28th February 2022 Andy Parker sent this sad notifcation:-
"Very sad to inform the group that John Richardson, aka "Johnny Baby" ex 3rd Engineer died on February 24th 2022.
He was very well known, and liked, from Rowanmore and Oroya days.
Wile, John - 2nd Engineer
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Bernie received this sad message from John Wile's wife, Mary, on 4th February 2022
"Could you please put John's death in an Obituary notice on your Reunion page."
Ever the precise engineer, John died 20-10-2020 at 20.00 hours, only 12 days after being diagnosed with cancer.
We are all still in a state of disbelief. This really is his longest trip away from his family.
Since John retired we cruised at least twice a year. He loved standing on deck watching the sail away and not being in the engine room.
Unfortunately, he was unwell and unable to come on our Golden Wedding cruise so our son Philip had to take me instead!.
It took me back to my trips on the Orbita!!
Hope the Reunion goes well. Best wishes, Mary,"
(Photo taken at 2018 Reunion)
Sad News email from Mike Quirk on 16th April 2019
" Hi Barry. Sad news. Peter Boyle passed away suddenly yesterday - 15th April 2019. Can you let "Gentleman John" know? We went to see him last year. Peter sailed with John as 2nd Lecky."
Peter's Funeral was on Thursday 25 April 2019 at the Star of the Sea Church (Not far from Gladstone Dock.)
Any former colleagues were welcome to attend.
Kenneth Alexander Farr
Sadly, on 8th July 2019 I received an email from Mrs Elaine Farr:-
"Hi Barry, Just thought I ought to let you know that my husband Kenneth Farr, ex Purser, passed away (in his sleep) on 19th June."
{9th Aug - I hope to post an entry under Obituaries soon - Barry}
Len Hughes
On 30/10/2019 I received another sad message. . . this one from Pat Tanner:-
"Barry, are you aware that Len Hughes died on 24 September? His wife Claudette let me know.
We were lucky that we managed to meet up with them on his last visit this summer."
Anne Ransom
On 2nd June 2021 Russell Judge contacted me and said that Anne, wife of Fred Ransom, had died a few months ago. Fred was 4th Engineer on Oropesa.
Russell Judge
Allan Stutchbury informed me that Russell Judge had passed away on 21st December 2021 at Malvern, Worcestershire following a short illness.
Frank D Atkinson
Rob Little sent this email on 20th January 2022
"Frank was certainly a 2nd Engineer with PSNC. He was employed for approx 7 or 8 years and definitely sailed on the Salaverry. He "Crossed the Bar" on 4th Jan 2022, aged 85 (DoB 29/05/1936). He leaves a widow, Jean, and a daughter Gill who provided him with 3 Grandchildren.
I have found 2 photo's from his attendances at 2 reunions. Frank was A fabulous fellow who left the sea due to ill health but went on to have an Engineering career with BOC for 30 years! The sea never left him and he was happiest reminiscing or actually traveling the sea on cruises as a paying customer. I'm happy to pass on any stories or contacts to his family. You'll be pleased to know he remained a handsome chap and thoroughly good all through. We shall all miss him greatly.
I shall be officiating at his funeral on 26 January 2022 at 1500 hours at Walton Lea Crematorium, Warrington. Yours, Rob Little"  
Obituaries Additional information and photos may be posted here when, or if, available

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